Board committees

The directors have delegated certain of their responsibilities to various committees, which operate within specific terms of reference.

The remuneration committee

The remuneration committee comprises three independent non-executive directors and meets, as required, during each financial year. It is responsible for reviewing the performance, and remuneration, of the executive directors. The remuneration of the non-executive directors is determined by the whole board.

Remuneration Committee terms of reference June 2024.pdf

The audit committee

The audit committee comprises three independent non-executive directors and meets at least twice each financial year. As part of its function, it reviews the Group’s interim and annual financial statements before submission to the board for approval, as well as reports from management and the external auditors on accounting and internal control matters. It also oversees the Group’s whistleblowing policy and arrangements and reviews and monitors the effectiveness of the Group’s risk management systems and processes. Where appropriate, the committee monitors the progress of action taken in relation to such matters. The committee also recommends the appointment of, and reviews the fees of, the external auditors.

Audit Committee terms of reference.pdf

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