
The Group has a set of policies covering different aspects of its approach to sustainability, which apply to the Group’s employees, service providers and suppliers, as well as visitors to the Group.

These policies are promulgated throughout its operations and explained to the workforce, service providers and contractors. Copies of the policies in Bahasa Indonesia, the local language, are displayed in estate offices. The policies are reviewed regularly and revised where necessary.

The Group has policies on:

Sustainable and ethical business



Grants, donations and sponsorship


Anti-slavery and human trafficking

Reports and presentations
Sustainability report

Read about our focus on the environment, sustainable palm-oil production and social impact.

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Board objective

We aim to produce increasing returns to shareholders from sustainable operations.

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Corporate governance

The board recognises the importance of a sound system of corporate governance and internal control.

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sustainability icon

Operational excellence; long-term sustainable production.

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