

Group's average annual crop growth in the last decade.

Crop growth continues to come from increasing maturity, improving yields, and the acquisition and sustainable development of new land.

The profile of M.P. Evans plantings shows it has a young average age of only 10.5 years, and that a significant part of its hectarage is yet to reach its peak yielding years.

Planting age profile


Planting age profile

planted hectares added to Group portfolio in last two years.

We are constantly looking to ensure growth in the future by continuing to plant new land and acquiring new areas. During 2023 the Group acquired more than 10,000 planted hectares and management remain focused on opportunities for further growth.

M.P. Evans expanded through its purchase of PT Bumi Mas in December 2017, PT Teunggulon Raya and PT Dharma Agung in Aceh province, northern Sumatra in March 2023, as well as the acquisitions of PT Agro Bumi Kaltim and PT Nusantara Agro Sentosa in East Kalimantan in November 2023. We expect this planting and acquisition together to mean the Group’s and scheme smallholders’ crop will continue to grow well into the late 2020s.

Group and scheme smallholders’ crop


Group and scheme-smallholders crop
Maps and locations
Map and locations

See where our plantations are located in Indonesia.

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We are committed to respecting the rights of all our workers.

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Scheme smallholder co-operatives

Smallholder co-operative schemes attached to the Group's projects have been developed, operated and certified by us.

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