Index of compliance

Index of compliance against disclosures under the QCA Code

December 2024

In accordance with the QCA Corporate Governance Code (“the QCA Code”) as updated in 2023, items requiring disclosure in the annual report & accounts have been referenced to the Group’s 2023 annual report published on 19 March 2024.

Principle 1 – Establish a purpose, strategy and business model which promotes long-term value for shareholders
Explain the company’s purpose, business model and strategy, key challenges in their execution and how these will be addressed. Annual report 2023
See ‘Business model’ on pages 10 to 11 and ‘Strategy’ on page 12


Principle 2 – Promote a corporate culture that is based on ethical values and behaviours
Describe the desired company culture within the strategic report and how it is supportive of the company’s purpose, strategy and business model and how the board assesses and monitors the corporate culture. Annual report 2023
See ‘Strategy pillars’ on page 11; ‘Sustainability’ pages 32 to 39; ‘Chairman’s corporate governance statement’ pages 46 to 47; ‘Board performance evaluation’ on page 50


Principle 3 – Seek to understand and meet shareholder needs and expectations
Describe the shareholder engagement activities. Annual report 2023
See ‘Relations with shareholders and the AGM’ pages 50 to 51
Provide appropriate quantitative and qualitative reporting on a company’s environmental and social matters to meet investor needs and expectations. See 2023 TCFD report
and 2023 ESG report
Identify those responsible for shareholder liaison. Website
See ‘Shareholder relations’ section of the ‘Directors’ responsibilities page


Principle 4 – Take into account wider stakeholder interests, including social and environmental responsibilities and their implications for long-term success
Describe the environmental and social issues that the board has identified as being material to the company’s purpose, strategy, and business model, and relevant KPIs to track performance. Annual report 2023
See ‘The Group’s business model’ on page 10; ‘Section 172 statement’ on page 15; ‘Performance evaluation’ on pages 24 to 25 and ‘Sustainability’ on pages 32 to 39
Explain how the key resources and relationships are identified, who is responsible for stakeholder engagement and how feedback is obtained from different stakeholder groups and fed into board discussions, with examples of any outcomes. Website
See ‘Stakeholder awareness and engagement’ section of the ‘Directors’ responsibilities’ page


Principle 5 – Embed effective risk management, internal controls and assurance activities, considering both opportunities and threats, throughout the organisation
Describe how the board has embedded effective risk management and internal controls to execute and deliver on the stated corporate purpose and strategy. Disclose risk and control information and how risk governance and processes support the board’s assessment of future prospects and viability/resilience considerations. Annual report 2023
See ‘Risk management’ on pages 28 to 31
Explain the company’s governance around climate-related risks and opportunities. See ‘Sustainability’ on pages 32 to 34 of the ‘Strategic report’
Explain how the audit committee has monitored and formally considered auditor independence during the corporate reporting cycle. See ‘Financial reporting and review of financial statements’ on page 52


Principle 6 – Establish and maintain the board as a well-functioning, balanced team led by the chair
Identify each director and describe the relevant experience, skills and capabilities that each director has brought to the board’s agenda during the year and how those skills and capabilities support the board in overseeing the execution of the company’s strategy for the benefit of shareholders. Annual report 2023
See ‘Board of directors’ on pages 40 to 41, and ‘Composition of the board and independence and re-election of directors’ on page 49
Identify those directors who the board considers to be independent.

Describe the time commitment required from directors, and the number of meetings of the board and any committees, together with the attendance record of each director. Disclose any performance-related remuneration for non-executive directors.

See ‘Operation of the board’ on page 48; ‘Audit Committee report’ on page 52 and Remuneration report’ on page 53


Principle 7 – Maintain appropriate governance structures and ensure that individually and collectively the directors have the necessary up-to-date experience, skills and capabilities
Explain how each director keeps their skillset up-to-date. Annual report 2023
See ‘Chairman’s statement on corporate governance’ on pages 46 to 47
Set out any board sub-committees that have been established to facilitate more focused discussions and or oversight of particular subject matters. See pages 52 to 53 of the ‘Corporate governance report’
Describe and explain any external advice sought by the board or any committee. See ‘Chairman’s statement on corporate governance’ on pages 46 to 47
Describe the roles and responsibilities of the chair, chief executive and any other directors who have specific individual responsibilities or remits Website
See ‘Chairman and chief executive’ section of the ‘Directors’ responsibilities‘ page
Describe the roles of any committees setting out any terms of reference and matters reserved by the board for its consideration See ‘Board committees‘ and ‘Board objective‘ pages
Describe any actions taken and / or plans for evolution of the governance framework. See ‘Chairman’s corporate governance statement


Principle 8 – Evaluate board performance based on clear and relevant objectives, seeking continuous improvement
Include a high-level explanation of the board performance review process and brief overview of the past year’s performance review.

Set out when the last externally facilitated board review took place and when it is next planned. Provide an outline description of the succession planning process and expected appointments.

Annual report 2023
See ‘Chairman’s statement on corporate governance’ on pages 46 to 47 and ‘Succession planning on page 50 of the ‘Corporate governance report’
Include summary of the criteria against which board, committee and individual effectiveness is considered and how review procedures have evolved from previous years, results and action taken or planned as a result Website
See ‘Chairman’s corporate governance statement‘ and the ‘Board evaluation‘ page
Explain how the company approaches succession planning and the criteria and process by which it determines board and senior management appointments including any links to the board performance review process. See ‘Succession planning’ section of the ‘Directors responsibilities‘ page


Principle 9 – Establish a remuneration policy which is supporting of long-term value creation and the company’s purpose, strategy and culture
Explain how the remuneration structure and practice supports the delivery and attainment of the company’s purpose, business model, strategy, and culture. Annual report 2023
See ‘Remuneration report’ on pages 53 to 56


Principle 10 – Communicate how the company is governed and is performing by maintaining a dialogue with shareholders and other key stakeholders
Within the corporate governance report, reflect on challenges experienced in the year and signpost how these were addressed at the board and whether any changes were made to board structure or process. Annual report 2023
See ‘Composition of board and independence and re-election of directors’ on page 49
Include an audit committee report.
Include a remuneration committee report.
See ‘Audit committee report’ on page 52; and ‘Remuneration report’ on page 53
Identify any omitted disclosures from principles 1-9 and explain their omission. Reviewed against the 2023 QCA Code in September 2024; currently no ommitted disclosure identified
Disclose the outcomes of all votes in a clear and transparent manner. Website
See the AGM results page
If a significant proportion of votes have
been cast against a resolution, explain what action is being taken.
See the AGM results page
Include historical annual reports and other governance-related material. See the Reports and presentations page
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