Index of compliance

Index of compliance against disclosures under the QCA Code

September 2023

In accordance with the QCA Corporate Governance Code (“the QCA Code”) items requiring disclosure in the annual report & accounts have been referenced to the Group’s 2022 annual report published on 21 March 2023.

Principle 1 – Establish strategy for long-term shareholder value
Explain the company’s business model and strategy Annual report 2022
See ‘Business Model’ on p12-13 and ‘Strategy’ on p14


Principle 2 – Meet shareholder needs and expectations
Explain the company’s shareholder engagement See ‘Shareholder relations’ section of the Directors’ responsibilities page


Principle 3 – Take into account wider stakeholder and social responsibilities
Explain how the business model identifies key resources and relationships See ‘Stakeholder awareness and engagement’ section of the Directors’ responsibilities page
Explain how the company obtains and acts on stakeholder feedback See ‘Stakeholder awareness and engagement’ section of the Director’s responsibilities page


Principle 4 – Embed effective risk management
Describe how the board has embedded effective risk management to execute strategy Annual report 2022
See ‘Risk management’ on p30-31


Principle 5 – Maintain the board as a well-functioning, balanced team
Identify directors considered to be independent Annual report 2022
See ‘Board of directors’ on p42 and ‘Independence and re-election of long-serving directors’ on p50-51
Describe time commitment required from directors Annual report 2022
See ‘Operation of the board’ on p50
Include the number of board and committee meetings, and attendance records Annual report 2022
See ‘Operation of the board’ on p50


Principle 6 – Ensure the board has necessary up-to-date experience and skills
Identify each director Annual report 2022
See ‘Board of directors’ on p42
Describe the relevant skills, experience and qualities of each director Annual report 2022
See ‘Board of directors’ on p42 and ‘Independence and re-election of long-serving directors’ on p50-51
Explain how each director keeps their skills up to date Annual report 2022
See “Chairman’s statement on corporate governance” on p48-49
Describe and explain any external advice sought by the board or any committee Annual report 2022
See ‘Operation of the board’ on p50
Explain the role of any external advisors to the board or any committees Annual report 2022
See ‘Operation of the board’ on p50
Describe any internal advisory responsibilities in advising the board Annual report 2022
See ‘Operation of the board’ on p50


Principle 7 – Evaluate board performance
Include an explanation of the board evaluation process Annual report 2022
See ‘Board performance evaluation’ on p52
Provide an overview of how the board evaluation was conducted and its results Annual report 2022
See ‘Board performance evaluation’ on p52
Provide a more detailed description of the board evaluation process See the Board evaluation page.
Explain how the company approaches succession planning See ‘Succession planning’ section of the Directors’ responsibilities page and Annual report 2022 ‘Succession planning’ on p51.


Principle 8 – Promote a culture based on ethical values and behaviour
The chairman’s corporate governance statement should show how the culture is consistent with the company’s objectives, strategy and business model Annual report 2022
See ‘Chairman’s statement on corporate governance’ on p48-49
Explain how the board ensures that ethical values and behaviours are recognised and respected See the Ethical code of conduct page


Principle 9 – Maintain appropriate governance structures
Describe roles and responsibilities of key directors See ‘Chairman and chief executive’ section of the Directors’ responsibilities page and Annual report 2022 ‘Corporate Governance’ p48-53
Describe the roles and responsibilities of any committees including their terms of reference See the Board committees page and Annual report 2022 ‘Corporate Governance’ p53-55
Describe which matters are reserved for the board See the Board objective page
Describe any plans for evolution of the governance framework The board intends to review corporate governance in conjunction with board evaluation, which will take place at least every two years.


Principle 10 – Maintain dialogue with shareholders and stakeholders
Describe the work of any board committees Annual report 2022
See ‘Audit committee’ on p53 and ‘Directors’ remuneration report’ on p55
Include an audit committee report (or equivalent) Annual report 2022
See ‘Audit committee’ on p53
Include a remuneration committee report (or equivalent) Annual report 2022
See ‘Directors’ remuneration report’ on p55-58
Identify any omitted disclosures from principles 1-9 and explain their omission Considered in full for 2022 annual report; currently no omitted disclosure to disclose
Disclose the outcomes of all votes See the AGM results page
If a significant proportion of votes have
been cast against a resolution, explain what action is being taken
See the AGM results page
Include historical annual reports and other governance-related material See the Reports and presentations page
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