Complaints and grievances

The Group seeks to respond constructively to any legitimate complaints or grievances that are brought to its attention.
The Group has a commitment to accountability, transparency and working with all stakeholders. Where any employees, other individuals, groups or organisations external to the Group have a complaint or grievance this can be reported, and will be followed up as part of routine monthly meetings between estate managers and the Group’s regional head of operations. If appropriate, matters can be escalated to the senior management team in Jakarta and, ultimately, to the corporate head office in the UK.
Employees of the Group can raise any complaints directly with their line manager, or more formally with the human resources department in Jakarta. External parties can raise matters directly with
Separately, the Group has an independently administered whistleblowing hotline which can be accessed at Details of the Group’s whistleblowing policy can be found on this website.
The Group approach addressing and seeking to resolve complaints and grievances is summarised in the following flowchart.

The Group is a responsible producer with sustainability embedded throughout its operations. Details are provided in standalone ESG reporting and via this website.
Why invest in M.P. Evans?
Crop and production have continued to increase for many years, and forms the basis for the Group’s progressive approach to dividends.