Ethical code of conduct

M.P. Evans Group PLC aims to conduct its business around the world with the highest degree of integrity.
Code of conduct
The Group will not tolerate any form of bribery and corruption. It has a code of conduct which has been formally approved by the board of directors. This code applies to all of the Group’s business dealings and transactions, in all countries around the world in which any member of any Group company, its associates, joint venture partners or agents operate.
Any employee, director or officer of any Group company who is found to have breached the Group’s code of conduct will be liable to disciplinary action which may result in dismissal or other serious sanctions. Breaches of the code by suppliers, joint venture partners or third-party contractors and advisors to any Group company may result in immediate termination for breach of all contracts with the Group.
Ensuring implementation
The Group’s social and ethical policies are thoroughly considered by the Group’s senior management and, where appropriate, stakeholders and experts. Policies are implemented with appropriate training and resources.
Regular visits by the executive board to the Group’s operations provide an opportunity to meet staff at all levels to discuss a variety of operational matters and so to determine and monitor at first hand how ethical values and behaviours are embedded into working practices on estates. The Group’s senior management also visits the operations of its associates, using these occasions to judge whether the associates apply the ethical standards which the Group expects of its own operations. If travel by the executive board is not possible due to travel restrictions, meetings with management and staff and appropriate monitoring continues through telephone and video communication.
The Group is a responsible producer with sustainability embedded throughout its operations. Details are provided in standalone ESG reporting and via this website.
Why invest in M.P. Evans?
Crop and production have continued to increase for many years, and forms the basis for the Group’s progressive approach to dividends.