Occupational safety and health

We have a systematic and structured approach to safety management reflected in our adoption of the international standard of ISO 45001.
Plantation operations carry some intrinsic risks, which we identify, and prioritise, using the widely-known Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Determining Control (HIRADC) method. The Group’s OSH manager is based in Jakarta, and we have a network of ‘safety champions’ at each site where we operate. Our regional office in Jakarta lays down procedures and standards for our operational activities We conduct safety audits at least annually and act on their findings, which measure progress against the targets we set ourselves and highlight areas for improvement.
The palm oil industry has a high proportion of workers with limited formal education and low levels of literacy. We take this into account when designing our training on OSH. We make use of the ‘safety committee’, which represents the workforce, to help us know and appreciate concerns amongst the workforce as well as to improve their understanding and behaviours regarding OSH. The safety committee relays information to every worker.
One of the objectives of the safety committees is to ensure that sprayers applying chemicals or pesticides in the field are given suitable training and provided with appropriate personal protective equipment and clothing; showering facilities are available and required to be used, and sprayers receive regular medical checks.
Updated November 2024
The Group is a responsible producer, striving for excellence, with a focus on continuing growth and offering an increasing yield.