Water, chemicals and waste

We regularly monitor air and water quality on all our estates.
We only build our mills in areas where there is no lack of water, and we monitor the volume of water in our estates very carefully so that it remains at the right level. No effluent is discharged into rivers or water courses. Any water discharged by the Group is below the statutory threshold for biological oxygen demand and chemical oxygen demand.
The Group produces compost from empty bunches, a waste product in its mills. Using compost reduces the need for inorganic fertilisers and helps the Group in its aim to minimise the use of organic and inorganic chemicals, including pesticides. We use integrated pest management to control pests on our plantations. Beneficial host plants are planted alongside estate roads to attract predators (insects) of leaf pests. The predators feed on leaf pest larvae thus reducing the need for chemical spraying. We do not use any chemicals listed under the Rotterdam or Stockholm Conventions on any of our estates.
We produce small quantities of hazardous waste, which is housed in dedicated storage to ensure no spillage, before it is sent to be treated at government mandated treatment facilities. Hazardous waste is carefully recorded and monitored, as well as being reported to the local environmental agency. Organic and inorganic waste is collected and treated separately.
Updated March 2024
Sustainability report
Read about our focus on the environment, sustainable palm-oil production and social impact.
Superlative smallholder schemes with medical care provided on the plantation.